Journal des biomarqueurs Libre accès

Volume 5, Problème 2 (2019)

article de recherche

Estradiol Serum Levels are Crucial to Understand Physiological/Clinical Setting in Both Sexes: Limits of Measurement of Low Estradiol and Evaluation of a Sensitive Immunoassay

  • Chiara Nencetti, Maria Rita Sessa, Paolo Vitti, Maria Chiara Anelli, Massimo Tonacchera and Patrizia Agretti

article de recherche

Pre-Analytical Challenges during RAS Testing: Tissue Quality and the Estimation of Neoplastic Cell Percentage

  • Dufraing K, Keppens C, Siebers AG, KafatosG, Lowe K, Demonty G, Dequeker EMC and Van Krieken JH.