Journal d'épigénétique clinique Libre accès


Circulating cancer stem cells markers in prognostication of hepatocellular carcinoma

Sami Mohamed Nasr

The identification of non-invasive cancer stem cells markers for predicting patients at high risk of Hepatocelular carcinoma (HCC) development to allow early intervention and consequently reducing mortality and disease burden. In HCC, liver Cancer stem sells (LCSCs), expressing molecular markers (e.g. CD133, CD90, CD44 and EpCAM), exhibited resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy in vitro and in vivo through up-regulating the expression of drug efflux-related proteins and activating anti-apoptotic pathways and stem cell-related pathways. In the present study we used Chronic HCV infection group (n= 40),  HCV with liver cirrhosis group (n= 40), HCV-HCC group (n= 40) and Age- and sex-matched individuals (n=35) as controls. The results revealed a variation in CD133/EpCAM lymphocytes in compare to EpCAM lymphocytes or CD133 lymphocytes and so is CD133/EpCAM Granulocytes or EpCAM Granulocytes and CD133 Granulocytes and the percentage of total CD133, total CD133/EpCAM. Total EpCAM expression was associated with younger age, and. The prognostic role of CD133 was most significant in HCC, while the prognostic role of EpCAM was more apparent in more advanced stages. We are planing to evaluate mononuclear cells nuclic acid Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CD133 (rs2240688A>C and rs3130C>T) using taqMan genotyping. TaqMan miRNA Reverse Transcription and  qPCR reactions will be performed using MicroRNA-1825 primer assay while miRNA-39 will utilized as an endogenous control to normalize the data.