Journal de chirurgie des yeux et de la cataracte Libre accès

Volume 2, Problème 1 (2016)

article de recherche

Excessive Traction on Conjunctiva during Eye Version may contribute to the Development of Nasal Pterygium

  • Themen HCI, Mans DRA, Forster C, Pawiroredjo JC, Siban M, Bueno de Mesquita AT and Bipat R

Rapport de cas

Endophthalmitis After Intraocular Lens Exchange: The Role of Wound Leak

  • Flynn HW Jr, Read SP, Young RC and Rachitskaya A

Rapport de cas

Two Cases of Keratomycosis Caused by Fusarium Solani: Therapeutic Management

  • Fili S, Schilde T, Perdikakis G and Kohlhaas M