Journal de l'abus des drogues Libre accès


The Impact of COVID-19 in Substance Misuse Services

David Solomon*

In the United Kingdom, users of Illic it substances, including New Psychoactive Substance’s (NPS’s) are vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus in substance misuse services (European monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction, 2020). Globally, the use of NPS are on the increase with 900 NPS being identified in 119 countries worldwide (The United Nations drugs office, UNODC, 2019; crime early warning advisory, 2019). The use of NPS in substance misuse use services has shown an increase in the unpredictable adverse effects of Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists (SCRA’s). These adverse effects include seizures, myocardial ischemia and death associated with the different trends of Spice and Mamba.