Journal des soins intensifs et critiques Libre accès


Peripheral Venous Blood Gases, PpvO2 & SpvO2, Positively Correlate with Arterial Gases under Anaesthesia

Ahmed Amin Nasr

We report an interesting finding of highly correlating PpvO2 and SpvO2 under anaesthesia and during early recovery. We raise the attention to our unexpected and unexplained observation of high PpvO2 under anaesthesia and possible mechanisms especially peripheral vasodilatation with well-conducted general anaesthesia. We guess that serious appraisal is necessary to define its actual weight and territorial distribution, as well as its life span. This would necessitate monitoring quite large number of patients and different accessible veins under different anaesthetics, including TIVA and regional anaesthetics, as well as various vasoactive agents.

Avertissement: test