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Effect of different levels of drought tension and Ca. on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of maize crop (ksc 704)

A. Zaree, M. Nasri and N. Ne'mati

In order to compare the effect of elemental calcium on qualitative and quantitative indicators of maize crop under drought tension, a study was conducted in a field located in Kamarbandi, Varamin, as split plots according to complete randomized blocks design in triplicates in 2009. The results showed that the highest performance of grains was obtained at 14467.1 kg/ha through conventional irrigation and spraying 8% Ca. The highest performance components such as grain umbers per row and rows per maize obtained at 18.4 and 14, respectively, by conventional irrigation and spraying 8% Ca. The highest performance components such as grain numbers per row and rows per maize obtained at 18.4 and 14, respectively, by conventional irrigation and spraying 8% ca. the highest weight of thousand, 283.6g, resulted from conventional irrigation and spraying 4 ppm ca. Oil and protein percentage were also affected by irrigation and calcium treatments. The highest and the lowest percentage of oil obtained respectively through conventional irrigation treatment and spraying 8% ca. and discontinued irrigating treatment from 7-9 leaves to rolling stage and control at 4.81% , while discontinued irrigation treatment from 7-9 leaves to rolling stage and spraying 8% ca. resulted in the highest protein percentage at 9.43%. the results showed that oil and protein percentages have a reverse relationship where increasing the amount of one of them results in decreasing the others'. The highest amount of leaf prolin was obtained at 0.726 micrograms per g through discontinued irrigation treatment (a4) to leaf rolling stage and the lowest one, 0.221 m/g, resulted from conventional.