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Dissection of White Fibers from the Lateral Surface of the Brain through the Klingler Method: Step by Step

Kléber González Echeverría

The method we present is a modification to the Klingler method with which we have obtained adequate results in the generation of anatomical demonstrative pieces for the teaching and learning of the internal structures of the encephalon. The modified Klingler method consists of: (1) Extraction, (2) Washing, (3) Fixation, (4) Conservation, (5) Removal of arachnoids, (6) Freezing, (7) Dissection. Before dissection, the arachnoid and cerebral arterial system are removed from the external configuration of the brain taking care not to injure the cerebral cortex, cerebellar or cranial nerves at their apparent origin. The brain is placed for a period of 8 days in freezing at -13 to -15 ° C. The freezing of the solution located between the fascicles, the cortex and the nuclei forms micro crystals that when thawed they perform a hydrodissection. After freezing, the brain is removed and placed in a tray to thaw at room temperature for 20 minutes. The color of the cortex becomes dark brown, the cortex is fragmented and easily removable from the white matter.